Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013
peacecamp 2013: talks4peace in Reibers
with adolescents from Hungary, Austria, and with Arab and Jewish youth from Israel
Reibers/Lower Austria and Vienna
July 4th – 14th, 2013
peacecamp 2013
Reibers/Lower Austria and Vienna
July 4th – 14th, 2013

The eleventh peacecamp will take place in Reibers, Lower Austria, a remote, tiny village in the midst of fields and forests, far away from the distractions of consumer society and from any kind of social, political or any other turmoil – a place that suggests calm and peace of mind and inspires self reflection, dialogue and the search for new modes of interaction. The last day will be spent in Vienna.

A multicultural group of about 47 people, 32 young people and 15 adults, will participate in the peacecamp:

The aim of peacecamp is to provide an opportunity for people of different cultural and political background to meet and exchange experience, opinions and suggestions on historical and contemporary issues related to the functioning of their societies. A special focus will be on collective trauma, on non-violent modes of dealing with conflict and on the young people’s vision of the kind of society into which they wish to grow.

- Hungarian delegation from the Szent László Gimnázium, Budapest
- Jewish-Israeli delegation from the Carmel Zvulun High School of Kibbutz Yagur
- Austrian delegation from the Lycée Français de Vienne
- Palestinian delegation from Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem

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