Sonntag, 17. Januar 2016
I came here to listen

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Montag, 4. Januar 2016
in preparation: peacecamp 2016: Living Together:
Lackenhof/Ötscher/Austria, July 5th - 15th, 2016

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Montag, 16. November 2015
peacecamp 2015 - feedback4peace Assessment
A few weeks after the peacecamp all the participants were asked to answer a feedback questionnaire. The assessment of peacecamp 2015 is based on 40 returned questionnaires (all of the 34 youngsters and 6 of the adults). As in the previous years, it is again a very positive summary of the whole peacecamp experience.

To read the full version of this assessment, please klick:
assessment15 (pdf, 70 KB)

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